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Hi, my name is Sang Yeon Cho. I am a medical student of Chungnam National University in South Korea. I am happy to join with you. I would like to say "Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in my heart. I have a dream that one day the world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and we have the right to be healthy." My advantage is that I always imagine the future and run to the end for my dreams. My mind is already over there!


2014 - present (2018-2019 in Military service)

Medical student, Chungnam National University, School of Medicine

2013 - 2014

Researcher, Chungnam National University, 

School of Medicine

2012 - 2013

Researcher, Seoul National University,

Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology

2007 - 2012

B.S. (Biochemistry), Chungnam National University

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"I was greatly honored to meet 2018 Nobel prize winner James P. Allison at 2019 AACR annual meeting in Atlanta."

-SY Cho-

RESEARCH Collaborators

Prof. Dongwoon Kim, DVM

Anatomy and Molecular Biology 

Medical school, Chungnam National University, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Byung Seok Lee, MD, PhD

Internal medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

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Prof. Hyuksoo Eun, MD, PhD

Internal medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Chaeuk Chung MD, PhD

Internal medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,

Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Jinsoo Kim, MD, PhD

General surgery, 

Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Heonjong Yoo, MD, PhD


Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Young Bok Ko, MD, PhD


Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea

Prof. Kyung-Hee Kim, MD, PhD


Chungnam National University Hospital, Deajeon, Korea


Prof. Waun Ki Hong

at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Sungha Kim, KMD, Ph.D

Korean Medicine -Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Deajeon, Korea

Gwanghun Kim, Ph.D. student

Biology, Bioinformatics - Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

"I would never forget Prof.

Wan Ki Hong's last message to me at 2018 AACR-KCA joint conference in Seoul."

-SY Cho-

Parul Singh, Ph.D

Mechanics, Microbiom, Bioinformatics - Chonnam National University,

Gwangju, Korea

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