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2012 Surgical Experience

작성자 사진: Sang Yeon ChoSang Yeon Cho

최종 수정일: 2019년 4월 30일

My first paper was the protocol for the finding the lymphatics related another circulation system (the primo vascular system).

To established the protocol, more than three rabbits per day were used for animal experiments for 6 months to improve reproducibility under microscope. As the number of animal experiments exceeded 300, I did not count the numbers.

Those findings were final results in the protocol paper.

The abdomen approach.

Thoracic approach.

The more animal experiments were carried out, the more effective and faster the approach became naturally realized. I have found effective ways to reduce bleeding, and have developed tools to get the vision and get very small samples.

Three years later, when I was a second year medical student, I did a sub-internship of the general surgery department at my university hospital during winter vacation.

When I first participated in surgery as a fourth aid, I was surprised that the actions that occur in the actual operating room were the same as those developed by me while suffering from my animal experiments.

I realized I was already a surgeon and I was convinced that I would be a great surgeon in the future.



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